For 2025, Dynastar's all-mountain lineup gets an update. The M-Pro 99 is now the M-Pro 100. The Dynastar M-Pro 100 Ti skis are your ticket to explore from first chair to final lap. Fresh tracks in the morning, powder stash hunting in the afternoon and high-speed arcs on the piste come naturally for this playful freeride ski. Its blend of full sidewall construction and our progressive rocker profile are matched to a healthy 100mm waist and a titanal-reinforced core for all conditions versatility.
Our eco-designed Hybrid Core 2.0 reduces reliance on glue and composite materials for a reduced environmental impact. It delivers a lively blend of power, float and agility for making tracks wherever the snow leads you. With such a light weight, it’s impressive how powerful the new 100 feels. With wider tips and tails, there’s just more surface area to handle adverse conditions and terrain, making skiers feel confident and comfortable in a variety of conditions and terrain. That seems to be the key here—making a 100 mm underfoot ski with metal feel agile and mobile for a variety of skiers.
Specifications for Dynastar M-Pro 100 TI Skis
HYBRIDCORE 2.0 The hybrid core 2.0 is the results of a modest but determined approach to eco-design. More specifically, the ability to mechanise the layers of wood in three directions – longitudinal, transversal and vertical – rather than two allows us to reduce the quantity of glued fibreglass with an adverse environmental impact. A true first step toward eco design keeping the same level of performance!
Sintered HD Base
Sintered HD base offers great glide for all ski conditions.
Adaptativ Sidecuts
Adaptativ Sidecut offers a smooth transition between sidecut underfoot and the tip and tail geometry. This technology brings smoothness on hard and powder snow.
Hybrid 2.0 Poplar Tri-Directional PU Core
Poplar core, with 3 direction of the wood fiber. Vertical, for better resistance to compression. Longitudinal for dynamic reaction in flexion. Transversal for torsion control.
Sandwich Full Sidewall Construction
With the full sidewall construction, full-length vertical edges from tip to tail help maximize grip, precision, balance and power.
Unidirectional Fibreglass
Focus on Sustainability and Performance. Unidirectional Fiberglass construction reduces the use of composite fiber in favor of natural fiber use for a reduced environmental impact while improving ski performance.
Progressive Rocker
High and long rise tip and tail rocker wich facilitate the maneuverability both on the ground and in the air. Meant for creative and progressive skier.
Lengths: 162cm | 170cm | 178cm | 186cm
Tip: 132mm | 133mm | 134mm | 134mm
Tail: 122mm | 123mm | 124mm | 124mm
Radius: 15m | 16m | 17m | 18m
Weight per ski: 1700g | 1800g | 1900g | 2000g
Ski Buyers Guide
Buying a pair of skis doesn't need to be a daunting experience. When buying a pair of skis, there are a few simple pieces of information that will help you to find your perfect match. With the introduction of carving skis and new technology, ski length is based more on the user’s weight than the tradition of using your height. Combine this with your ski level and your aspirations and this will help narrow your choice very quickly. Follow these simple steps:
Firstly choose your current skiing level from the list below:
1 - Never skied before
2 - I can stop with a snowplough
3 - I am doing snowplough turns, and the odd blue run
4 - I am starting to parallel ski and onto blue runs
5 - I am venturing onto reds, and starting to make step turns
6 - I am getting confident on reds, and maybe doing the odd black
7 - I am comfortable skiing most black runs
8 - I am confortable on ice, and venturing off-piste
9 - I am skiing off-piste aggresively, and carving across all pistes
10 - I am a professional experienced ski instructor or racer
Here at The Skiers Lounge we then brake this down into 4 groups:
- NOVICE (Level 1 to 4)
- INTERMEDIATE (Level 4-6)
- ADVANCED (Level 6-8)
- EXPERT (Level 8-9)
STEP 2 - TERRAINNow you know your skier level, you can decide where you will mainly be using your new skis:
- - Groomed Piste Runs
- - All snow conditions (From ice to slush)
- - All mountain skiing conditions (piste and off-piste)
- - Off-piste skiing (powder)
- - Ski touring
For selecting the correct ski length, we take your ability, weight and where you will use the skis, and can calculate an approximate length:
NOVICE skiers, this is your recommended length. For
ADVANCED skiers we recommend adding 5cm to the above measurement, and for
PROFESSIONAL skiers you would normally add 10cm to the above length and a little more for freeride skis.