When you are working out the correct length of skis, you will often think that the size you rented in resort or used at the snowdome is correct for you. This is not always the case! Generally speaking rental shops have limited stocks, and make assumptions to identify a ski length, and in snowdomes skis are often used shorter, to allow shorter turns to get more from each run.
If you are comfortable with the size you rented, you can of course choose to stick with it, but please do check with our useful guide here, as a correct length ski will enhance your enjoyment of your new skis, and allow you to ski with more confidence and control whilst developing your skills.
First, we need to identify your weight, dressed in normal clothing. Weight is more important than height, as the ski flexes differently depending on your weight and the length of the ski:

Next we need to adjust the length to match your ability:

Decide on your ski level using the above chart, and then make the following adjustments:

REMEMBER! This chart is just a starting guide. If you have rented a ski length recently and found that this suited you, do NOT be afraid to select that size if it differs from the above – Length is a personal thing!